Dutch oven Stuffed Artichokes Recipe
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Serves: 4
  • 4 large artichokes
  • ½ cup minced bacon bits
  • 1 cup flavored bread crumbs
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • ¼ cup flat leaf parsley, minced
  • ¼ cup parmesan/romano cheese. grated
  • 4 tbls extra virgin olive oil
  1. Trim your Artichoke leaves to remove the thorn on the end of each leaf and remove some of the small leaves attached to the stem.
  2. Mix all the remaining ingredients together.
  3. Take ¼ of the Artichoke stuffing recipe and press into the leaf cavity of the each Artichoke.
  4. Then stand the Stuffed Artichoke upright into your Dutch oven.
  5. Add water to the depth of approximately 1½ inches. Note that you will need to check the Dutch oven a couple of times during the cooking process to make sure you don’t evaporate all of the water out.
  6. Just add a bit more hot water as needed to prevent.
  7. Bring the Dutch oven to a boil, then reduce heat to a rolling simmer to steam the Stuffed Artichokes for approximately one hour.
  8. Test for doneness with a fork inserted into the base (above the stem) of the Artichoke.
  9. Sprinkle a little fresh cheese over the top of the Stuffed Artichoke when it is ready to serve.
Recipe by Cooking Outdoors at https://cooking-outdoors.com/dutch-oven-stuffed-artichokes-recipe/