Tropical Grilled Tri-Tip Recipe on the Island Grillstone
Grilled Tri-Tip with a sweet tropical marinade of pineapple, garlic, ginger, soy and other delicious ingredients, simply grilled on a bed of onions. Roasted fingerling potatoes, Portabella mushrooms and cloves of garlic added to complete the meal!
The Island Grillstone made from lava rock, makes the perfect grilling surface for sugary marinades by eliminating flare-ups and burnt skin.
(Closed captioning available on this video)
For more information on the Island Grillstone visit:
Items used on the show:
iGrill2 wireless thermometer –
Camp Chef Stainless Steel Pizza Spatula –
Weber 1431001 Performer Gold Charcoal Grill –

- 3 pounds trimmed tri-tip
- 1 cup (16 tablespoons) marinade
- 1 pound potatoes
- 1 pound mushroom
- 1 onion
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
- Garlic salt, to taste
- Coarse salt, to taste
- Place the tri-tip in a ziploc bag.
- Pour the marinade on top and let the tri-tip marinate overnight.
- Prepare the grill for cooking.
- Place mesquite wood in the grill and then place the Island GrillStone on top of a rack.
- Preheat the grill to 350 F.
- Place the potatoes, mushrooms and garlic in a big bowl.
- Drizzle olive oil over the vegetables.
- Season with garlic salt, parsley and freshly ground pepper.
- Prepare a bed of onions on the Island Grillstone for the tri-tip.
- Season with coarse salt.
- Place the trip tip over the onions.
- Place the potatoes, garlic and mushroom on the Island grill stone.
- Cover and let everything cook until it reaches an internal temperature of 145 F.
- Remove from heat and let it rest for 10 minutes.
- Slice the tri-tip across the grain and serve it with the vegetables.
Video Transcript:
Presenter: Hey, everyone.
Today, we’re making tri-tip on the Island Grillstone with a wee bit of an Island flare.
Announcer: The Cooking Everything Outdoors show is sponsored by Camp Chef, and, and
Presenter: Island Grillstone, Island Tri-Tip kind of has a nice ring to it.
Well, you know, I love tri-tip and you know I love my Island Grillstone and I just thought it’d be perfect to pair the two together.
Typically, with tri-tip, which is huge in California, it’s just basically grilled over mesquite wood.
And, you know, there’s a lot of different ways of doing it.
And what I’m going to do is show you a very simple way of preparing tri-tip on a lava rock with mesquite charcoal that’s super easy, probably sit down and have a couple of beers while you’re waiting for it to cook.
It’s that fast and that simple.
What we first need to do is get some mesquite lump charcoal going.
I have a nice bag of 100% lump charcoal.
And I’m going to get that going and then we’re going to spread that out around the perimeter of our Weber Kettle.
What I have here is a trimmed tri-tip, that trimmed mean is the fat has been trimmed off of it.
I have a video showing you how to do that.
What we want to do is we want to marinade this with an Island themed marinade pineapple juice.
It has soy and sugar.
It has vinegar, some sesame seeds, some garlic powder, some onion and that’s just all been cooked down and made into a marinade and that’s what I’m going to do with my tri-tip here.
I’m going to marinade it for a short period of time.
But I highly recommend that you take the time and marinade this for several hours.
Overnight would be okay.
That just smells so good.
There’s just something about pineapple and soy that just makes your mouth water.
And now we’re going to let that set and marinade for a little while.
Our mesquite is getting going there.
I’m going to pour that around my callous and then I’m going to add a little bit more to it.
And then I’m going to preheat my Island Grillstone which is critical for this recipe.
And so, we’ll get this going.
Now our base lump mesquite lump charcoal is ready, so I’m going to pour that out on my kettle.
Just spread a little bit of that out.
I’m going to add a bunch more.
So that spread out around the perimeter.
Now I’m going to add my Island Grillstone in there.
And I’m using the square model because I need some surface area there.
The round would work just perfectly fine, but I’m going to add some potatoes on here too as I’m cooking my tri-tip.
Probably going to take about 15 minutes to 20 minutes to get this thing up to temp.
It’s a little cold out here.
I might even have to add some more charcoal.
So while our Grillstone is heating up or preheating is basically what we’re doing, I want to slice up some onion which we’re going to use for the bed of the tri-tip.
So what we’re looking for is good 3/8th inch slices.
And we can just separate all those.
This is our foundation.
Our Grillstone’s just about preheated.
We’re approaching 350 degrees is where I’m going to cook my tri-tip at.
I’m also going to throw some fingerling potatoes and mushrooms and whole garlic cloves on there as I’m cooking the tri-tip.
So, this is going to be very, very simple.
I’m just going to take my… these are baby bellas and fingerling potatoes.
I’m going to drizzles some olive oil over there.
Add some garlic salt, a little bit of parsley in there, fresh ground black pepper and then we’ll give this just a little bit of a mix up here.
Get everything evenly coated.
And this is going to go right on the Island Grillstone as the tri-tip’s cooking.
One thing I forgot to tell you is that you’re going to need a wireless thermometer.
It’s not critical but it makes it much easier because we don’t want to keep peeking and poking, so we’re going to do it just once.
Keep in mind that tri-tip’s triangular.
I’m going to kind of lay it out like that.
And I want to just lay that right over my onions.
Okay, you can set that aside.
Now we’re going to add our potatoes, our garlic and our mushrooms.
I’m just going to dump those right on the Grillstone right there.
That’s it.
It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?
Let’s cover it up and go have a beer.
Well, we hit 145 and actually, we’re creeping up now 148, so I got pull this right now.
Looks fantastic!
Lift that off there because I want that to rest.
My mushrooms and they’ve got some of the goodness from the tri-tip on there.
Okay, I’m going to let this rest for a few minutes and then we’re going to slice it up and serve it.
Now, one of the things that I did that I didn’t show on the camera was once I put it on the Island Grillstone on the bed of onions I sprinkled coarse salt over the top.
And the reason I do that is because it helps balance out the sweetness of the marinade.
Tri-tip has grain running two ways in it and we have to cut across the grain.
So, always the best thing to do is to split your tri-tip in half.
Look at that!
So, now on this piece my grain’s going this way and on this piece my grain’s going this way.
So, I’m going to cut off some pieces on this so we can plate this up.
You have to cut across the grain; otherwise, it’s tough and chewy.
You can cut these as thick or as thin as you want.
It’s just perfectly cooked.
Well, let’s give this a try.
That is so tender.
There is no effort whatsoever.
The marinade adds a nice flavor to it, kind of a sweet, fruity little tropical taste that’s offset by the salt nicely.
Oh my gosh!
It’s so tender.
That’s my Island Grillstone tri-tip.
I hope you like this.
Give it a try.
I know you’ll like it if you do.
It just pops.
And it’s a great way of cooking tri-tip that you may not have done before.
And that’s it.
Make sure you go and visit the website,
Visit me, go sign up to all my stuff.
And I will see you when I see you.