8 tips for cooking a perfect Turkey this holiday
It's Turkey time for many of us and over the years I have accumulated a few tips and tricks as well as some common sense suggestions for cooking a Turkey for the holidays. I am sharing 8 really good tips for cooking a Turkey for the holidays. I hope they help!
- How big of a Turkey should you get?
- 6 – 8 people = 12lb Turkey
- 9 – 10 people = 14 lb Turkey
- 11 – 12 people = 16 lb Turkey
- 13 – 14 people = 18 lb Turkey
- Add an extra 1/2 pound per person if you want leftovers.
- What is the safest way to thaw a frozen turkey? – from the USDA
- The USDA recommends three ways to defrost turkeys: in the refrigerator, in cold water and in the microwave. Never defrost turkey on the counter or in other locations.
- It's best to plan ahead for slow, safe thawing in the refrigerator. Allow about 1 day for every 5 pounds of turkey to thaw in the refrigerator.
- Turkey may be defrosted in cold water in its airtight packaging or in a leak-proof bag. Submerge the bird or cut-up parts in cold water, changing the water every 30 minutes.
- Turkey defrosted in the microwave should be cooked immediately after thawing because some areas of the food may become warm and begin to cook during microwaving. Holding partially cooked food is not recommended because any bacteria present wouldn't have been destroyed.
- To Brine or not Brine? –
- It's a personal choice but brining can add extra flavor and moisture.
- Brine no longer than 10 hours.
- Always Brine in a refrigerator
- After Brining – rinse, dry and refrigerate for two plus hour to dry out the skin. keep covered with a paper towel.
- How long should I cook my Turkey? –
- Until the internal temperature (of the thickest part of the Turkey) reaches 165° F
- Remember the temperature will rise 5 – 10 degrees as it rests.
- 325 – 350° F is the optimun cooking temperature (not smoking)
- To cover or leave uncovered? –
- Covering can trap moisture which may lead to flabby skin.
- Uncovered can cause the skin to burn.
- Find a happy medium – I cook mine uncovered till it is nice and brown then cover it for the rest of the cooking time.
- Stuffed or Unstuffed?
- It's now concedered unsafe to cook with the stuffing inside, though it is still traditionally done that way.
- I say no stuffing – make it seperately in a Dutch oven – no room for errors.
- place a couple of apples or oranges in the Turkey to add a unique flavor and add a bit of moisture.
- How long to keep the leftovers?
- Leftovers can be kept in a refrigerator for three days.
- Cooked Turkey can be kept up to 4 months in the freezer, according to USDA
- You should make Turkey stock out of that carcass …. it's so easy and so good!
- What to do next time?
- Grill it, smoke it, roast it, deep fry it, steam it, spit cook it, brown bag it, beer can it, tandoori it, butterfly it, brine it …. has anyone ever cooked one in a pit?
Happy Holidays!!