Stove Top Corn Bread

Stove Top Corn Bread

Do you love Cornbread? One of my readers, Laura from Dallas, Texas,  does and she wants to know how to do it on a stove top! Not something I have ever done with Cast Iron before so I dug up some help and I thought I would share the info with you.

From Laura:

Question for you–by the way, LOVE your website.  I get really jazzed about cooking outdoors when we go camping and motivated to do more on our giant hibachi at home.

I want to try cornbread in my cast iron skillet on our camp stove (may not be possible to cook it on the big community campfire on our camp out). I do not have  a dutch oven though. Do you think it would work to cover the skillet with a couple layers of foil and cook it on the stove/fire for a bit? How long?

Thanks for any advice you might be able to offer.


Here is where I contacted my friend Natalie Brown from Camp Chef


Stove Top Corn BreadI’m not sure how well it would work with just the tinfoil, but I think if she used it with the Dutch oven dome it should work.  We have never done it over an open fire, but we have done it on one of our stoves, and it worked great.  We used our trivet on the bottom and then put the pan on that and then covered it with the Dutch dome.  The trivet allows more heat to circulate around the pan, so you will get a more even heat and won’t completely burn the bottom.  

I hope this helps!  Let me know if you have any other questions. 


Thanks Natalie!!

And here are my final thoughts:


Stove Top Corn BreadDid some fast research and came up with this:

Great article and it should do what you want to. I am going to try this myself.

Also you could use a “Dutch oven Dome” or try flipping the bread in the pan if you don't want a pale top. I don't think the foil will help much and I wouldn't place coals on the foil. But it will keep the bugs and flora out! 

Another thought would be to make corn bread cakes like a drop biscuit.

Give it a try, good luck!

Send me a couple of pictures if you can.

Laura's final comments:

Stove Top Corn Bread
Thank you for the very helpful information. I like your idea about dropping the dough like biscuits. I think I may try this, flipping them for even coloration.
It'll be be fun to experiment and a bonus if it actually works. I will take pictures and good mental notes and report back to you:)
We are in Dallas, Texas — married to a native Dallas-ite, been here 15 years myself and we have 3 little boys ages 9,7 and 5 in December. 
Thanks and I'll enjoy going through your website more.
More later,
Well now you know and I hope all of this info helped Laura, I certainly learned something new. Laura, thank you so much for your question and for being a loyal reader. You make Cooking-Outdoors a worthwhile endeavor for me.
If anyone would like to and their thoughts to this issue or have any questions of their own, please send them our way via the comments or email!