Basic Steps to Repair BBQ Grill Surface Rust Video
This week we show you how simple it is to remove surface rust from your BBQ Grill and finish it up to look almost brand new!
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Video Transcription:
Does a surface of your grill look like this?Well, I’m going to show you the basic steps to getting rid of this mess.You will need one metal sanding sponge and some high-heat barbecue spray paint. Start by removing any additional parts from your grill. Now, take your sanding block on the coarse side and start knocking down all that rust. Continue to sand until most of it has been removed.
Give it a good wipe to see how you’re doing. Keep sanding and sanding and sanding until as much of the rust as possible has been removed.
Now that you finished sanding, it’s time to apply the spray paint. Feathering as you spray; put light coats on until all surfaces are completely repainted. Keep spraying until you’re happy with the finish. And no, it doesn’t have to be perfect, just better.
Ten minutes later, me and dog, got ourselves a good looking barbecue.
Hey, that’s it. Thanks for watching. This is Gary House with Cooking Everything Outdoors show. We’ll have new tips, tricks or technique for you every Tuesday.