Announcing the Winners of the 4yr Anniversary Drawing

It's time to concluded the drawing for the 4yr Anniversary drawing. I am in slight awe of the fact that this 4yr anniversary has even occurred, it is simply amazing, not many outdoor cooking blogs survive for very long, but has because of the great friends that support it. Your support, comments, encouragement, friendship and sharing has made every difficult moment worth it. Our 5 yr anniversary is not far away and I am positive that it will bring even better things for you, my family and

Announcing the Winners of the 4yr Anniversary Drawing!

But for now, I owe you all a huge thank you for sharing my cooking adventures these past 4 yrs!

Now, the drum roll, please!

Winners, based on their comments and drawn are:

Staci of bopeep and co

R. Bergquest

R Payne

B Fazekas

You four are the winners of the Cooking-Outdoors 4 yr anniversary drawing!

Your comments were great and frequent, adding great content to the Cooking-Outdoors site.

I will ship your goodies out to you as soon as you email me your shipping address.

Thank you everyone!!!