The New “Cook Number Electric Grill”!

The New “Cook Number Electric Grill”! Sear it, set it and cook, has a simplicity that I find appealing. If I was to pick one single fact that prevents people from cooking outdoors on their grill, it would be the fear of burning their food. I field this...

Introducing the “Cook Number Electric Grill LG20ie”

Introducing the “Cook Number Electric Grill LG20ie” This awesome electric grill was provided to me by it's electric and portable! Sear it, Set it and Grill it to perfection! [flickr album=72157627033324048 num=20 size=Small] Grilled...

Introducing “The Beast” Smoker/Grill

Introducing “The Beast” Smoker/Grill Here is a sneak peak at my new “The Beast” smoker/grill from my friends at “The Beast Grill”. Solid, well crafted, designed for the serious outdoor cook and huge!

Highlights from the 2011 HPBExpo pt 4

Highlights from the 2011 HPBExpo pt 4 Hearth, Patio and BBQ expo was held in Salt Lake City, Utah early March of this year. I was able to shoot video of several manufacturers demonstrating their products: