Easy Natural Way to Make Your Grill Grate Non-Stick
Looking for an easy natural way to make your grill grate non-stick? Then I have the solution for you!
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Simple tips, tricks and techniques to make your outdoor cooking easier!
New episode every Tuesday
Video Transcript:
Here’s an easy natural way to make your grill grate non-stick.
Just spray it like…no, that’s a bad idea.
We’ve made that mistake before.
Don’t do it.
Just grab an onion.
That’s it, an onion.
Slice it in half.
Stick a large fork into it.
Now, take a heated grill grate.
This works on cast iron grates, as well.
Rub that onion back and forth to release those essential oils onto that grate.
Smells fantastic at this point.
And guess what?
It also works as a grill grate cleaner.
Yep, and rub that crud right off.
So let’s test this.
The dreaded, skinless, boneless chicken breast.
No oil.
Just the onion.
Look at that.
Quick flip a couple of minutes later.
Doesn’t even stick and not bad grill marks either.
That’s it.
So give that onion a cry, I mean, try, you’ll really be glad you did.
Hey, that’s it.
Thanks for watching.
This is Gary House with Cooking Everything Outdoors show.
We’ll have new tips, tricks or technique for you every Tuesday.