No Grill Brush No Worries


Lost or forgot your Grill Brush? No worries, this simple trick will clean that dirty grill grate in no time!

Simple tips, tricks and techniques to make your outdoor cooking easier!

(Closed Caption available on this video)

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Video Transcription:

No Grill Brush No Worries!
So let’s say you’re at the park or you’re at home, dog chewed up your grill brush, you get a pretty nasty grate and you need to clean it, well you could always take your tongs and try to give it a good scrub.
It really doesn’t work very well.
But what you really need and hopefully, you didn’t forget, is some aluminum foil.
Just take a nice sheet of it, oh I don’t know, 18, 24 inches, crumple it up real good, grasp it with your tongs, take it to the surface of the grill grate and start scrubbing.
Really, it works.
So the next time you’re at the park and you realize you forgot your grill brush and the possum’s been slipping on that grill grate, break out the aluminum foil and start scrubbing.
Hey, that’s it.
Thanks for watching.
This is Gary House with Cooking Everything Outdoors show.
We’ll have new tips, tricks or technique for you every Tuesday.



No Grill Brush No Worries