How to Prepare a Steak for the Grill Video

It is important to prepare your steak properly before grilling, here is one way to do it.

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Video Transcript:

Do you prepare your steaks properly?
Or did you just throw on the grill?
So when you buy a couple of steaks that typically look like this with labels, of course, and then what you do with them?
You throw them in the fridge.
But there’s a better method.
Unwrapped that steak, and put it on a rack because we’re going to air-dry it in our refrigerator.
You can air-dry for 8, 12 or up to 24 hours.
If you air-dry more than 8 hours, put a towel over it.
After several hours your steak will look like this.
It’s deepened in color and the outside is dried, intensifying the flavors.
To wrap one, looks like this, a little mushy, a little moist, pretty typical.
You need to let your steaks, then rest for at least 2 hours to come up to room temperature, then sprinkle some salt and some pepper on both sides.
Of course you could add your favorite rub if you’d like.
Throw them over a bed of hot coals and start cooking.
And that’s just another way to prepare your steak for the grill.
If you give this technique a try, let me know in the comments below.
Hey, that’s it.
Thanks for watching.
This is Gary House with Cooking Everything Outdoors show.
We’ll have new tips, tricks or technique for you every Tuesday.

How to Prepare a Steak for the Grill