How to Properly Rest a Steak | Easy Grilling Tips

Believe it or not … there is a proper way to rest a steak!

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Simple tips, tricks and techniques to make your outdoor cooking easier!

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Video Transcript:
So you’ve cooked perfect steaks.
And when it’s done, you take it off, and you plop it on a plate.
Covered up nice and tight with aluminum foil.
And let it rest for 5, 10, 15 minutes.
And you have a steak and a puddle of juice that just soaked up that beautiful crust you just grilled on there.
There’s a better way to do this.
I’m going to show you how.
Take that perfect steak and place it on a cooking rack.
Take a piece of aluminum foil and put a small tear in the top because we’re going to vent this in loosely place aluminum foil over the top of your steak.
Halfway through the resting time, yep, give it a flip.
We’re going to redistribute those juices properly.
Let’s see how we did.
First steak, big puddle of juice.
Second steak, just a little bit of juices lost.
Give this a try and you’re going to find you’re going to have a much nicer steak experience.
And this will work with just about any other type of meat also.
Hey, that’s it.
Thanks for watching.
This is Gary House with Cooking Everything Outdoors show.
We’ll have new tips, tricks or technique for you every Tuesday.



How to Properly Rest a Steak