LandShark Lager – a beer review
I am a dark beer fan and don't plan to change anytime soon. However, I am always looking for a new brew to try. Micro brewery's are producing beers of every flavor and color these days and I couldn't be a happier man! A six pack of beer will last me a couple of weeks so don't expect contestant reviews here. I will post as I find them and find them I will.
This weeks brew is Land Shark Lager, a pale light colored beer. Without a doubt a Corona clone with out the Corona price. It was only $6.99 at the supermarket. I bought it for my wife as she prefers at pale light beer over my Stouts and Bocks.
Land Shark Lager is a product of the Margaritaville Brewing Company in Jacksonville, FL and is served in Buffett’s Margaritaville restaurants in Key West, Orlando and Las Vegas. Turns out it is a Anheuser-Busch company, oh well.
This beer is made to be “light” and “refreshing” and it is. Lacking the characteristic of a good Micro brewed beer and catering to the “Stronger than water” crowd, it fits the bill of a pale lager. I would have preferred more flavor and a stronger smell but Mr Jimmy Buffet sign his name to this brew and I am going to respect that. No company as big as “The Busch” make a brew without knowing who they are going to sell it to. There must be a market there. My wife liked it and that's good for me!
I would place this in the “Pizza” and “Snacks” category of beers. It's good for something. It's a bit fizzy and I don't like that. Lite flavored and mediocre, it's a massed produced bottled beer that's good for parties of lite beer drinker not for someone who like to savor every sip. Its tough to find anything else to say that doesn’t fit in the American mass produced micro beer description. Its thin, too sweet and over carbonated.
I'll buy it for my wife if she asks but until that time …..
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