Telefonica Gastro Park, was, quite frankly where I lost it. When faced with such overwhelming gastronomical delights, I completely lost my ability to take notes! Fork first, was my motto as dish after dish after dish, was placed before me to sample. It was ugly, vicious, down right hostile as 8 travel and food bloggers jockeyed for position to take photos and scoop up samples. Chef after chef presented their signature dishes for us to sample, creativity excelled, flavors blended, drinks flowed and pride shone in their eyes.
On October 3, 2016, wide-eyed and mesmerized, I entered Tijuana, Mexico for my very first time. The Tijuana tourist board invited 8 travel / food bloggers to explore and enjoy the delights of Tijuana and I was extremely fortunate with being included in this group. I had never been to Tijuana or any other part of Mexico except on a week-long trip to Club Med in Puetro Vallarta, which doesn't count at all.
This is the first of several food delights I'll be sharing with you from my trip to Mexico.
I loved this stop the most because of Telefonica Gastro Park is made up entirely of Food Trucks, 9 by my count. Each food truck is own by Chefs that love what they do, their pride, creativity and professionalism shows in each dish they serve. There is a wide assortment of food offerings as you can see below, from traditional Mexican food dishes to Vegan offerings, Beer, BBQ and grilled entries, along with some amazing fresh fish dishes as well. Some have been in this business for many years, while some are new to it and their enthusiasm is without boundaries.
The Telefonica Gastro Park is, of course, all outdoors, with the food truck stationed to make wandering and selecting easy. They provide ample shade for you throughout the food court, with umbrellas, tables and chairs to enjoy your food. Personally I would love experiencing Telefonica Gastro Park during the evening hours as I noticed lights strung up throughout the food court.
I took so many photos between bites that it was difficult to determine which ones to share.
The food was spectacular so lets start with those!
- Food trucks and food of Telfonico Gastro Park
As you can see, the food looked spectacular!
Though I managed to take a photo of everything served, I failed to right down what each individual serving was – a great dis-service to all the Chefs at the Telefonica Gastro Park.
The tacos you see above where Vegan!
Here are all of the food trucks at Telefonica Gastro Park:
Pretty amazing!
The enthusiasm for grilled and smoked food is very apparent and very delicious!
This was a great experience for me, sampling so many of the great flavors of Baja California all in one location, just made my little foodies toes curl.
You can find out more information on the Telefonica Gastro Park by visiting them here:
You can read about all my adventures in Tijuana, Mexico over on my travel blog “Never to Old to Travel”
Full disclosure: All foods provided at no charge to sample, there has been no monetary compensation and all views and opinions are my own. This media trip was sponsored by Tijuana Tourism and Convention Bureau with transportation provided by Ticketon and Turismo Express.
Of all the times I’ve been to Tijuana this was my first at the Gastro Park too. Just incredible. Great pictures, Gary!
Such a fun experience. The food was truly amazing. Can’t wait to head back when I have a bit more time to savor!
Thanks Elaine! It was a first for me too!
It was great Alexa, just wish I was close enough to visit more often. No doubt I would become their best customer 🙂
I was in Tijuana once but missed out on the food! Next time!