Apple Cinnamon Caramel Monkey Bread
Apple Cinnamon Caramel Monkey Bread – a birthday request for my youngest son, how could I refuse! This recipe allowed me to tryout the Grill Dome as a baking oven and it worked out perfectly! Holding the temperature at a steady 350F for the entire length of the bake.
For more information about the Grill Dome visit:
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- ½ cup (8 tablespoons) brown sugar
- ¼ cup (4 tablespoons) sugar
- ½ tablespoon cinnamon
- 1 granny smith apple, peeled and diced
- ¼ cup (4 tablespoons) pecan pieces
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 tablespoons butter, melted
- ½ cup (8 tablespoons) caramel sauce
- 12 ounces biscuit dough, quartered
- ½ lemon
- 2 cups water
- Prepare the grill dome for indirect heat by placing a cooking stone on the bottom rack and then placing the top rack.
- Heat it to 350 F.
- Peel, dice and put the apples in a bowl of lemon with water.
- Take biscuits, brown sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. Coat the biscuits evenly.
- Drain and put the apples in a bowl, mix it well.
- Take a loaf pan, line it with parchment paper and spread the pecans at the bottom.
- Drop in the biscuit dough and apple mix over the top.
- Mix caramel sauce and vanilla well and pour it all over the biscuit dough in the loaf pan.
- Place the loaf pan in the grill dome at 350 F and close the dome lid.
- Cook the loaf for about 40 minutes.
- Rest the bread for about 10 to 15 minutes.
- Flip it over on a serving plate. Slice and enjoy.
Video Transcription:
Hey, everyone, today I have a request, but I cannot refuse, for my Cinnamon Caramel Apple Monkey Bread.
It’s my son’s birthday.
What am I going to do?
All on the grill dome on the Cooking Everything Outdoors show.
To cook this sweet birthday request, we’re going to be using the grill dome.
I have the grill dome setup for indirect cooking.
What I’ve done is I’ve put my lower rack in with the baking stone as a heat diffuser and then I have my standard cooking rack right above that.
And that’s where my pan will go that we’re going to be baking our monkey bread.
We’ll be turning it down, cutting the smoke back.
I do have some mesquite in here, just a little bit, I don’t think it’s going to be too smoky but if you didn’t want any smoke flavor at all, just use some standard briquettes.
Ingredient-wise, our recipe’s really simple but it’s got some really nice flavor into it.
To start off with, you’re going to need 1/2 a cup of brown sugar.
You will also need a 1/3 cup of regular sugar.
And those are just blended together.
You’ll need a bowl of water with some lemon in it, one granny smith apple which we will peel and dice up.
A 1/3 cup of pecan pieces, about 1/2 a teaspoon of good quality vanilla.
2 tablespoons melted butter.
1/2 a cup of caramel sauce and then one of those big old biscuit rolls.
I’m going to be using a cast iron bread loaf, which I’m going to be using parchment paper in.
The first thing we’re going to do is get our apple peeled and use the knife or use one of these really cool peelers.
And we want to very safely get this diced up.
So you just want to trim it up as best you can.
And piece-wise, bite size pieces is what we’re looking at, about like that and like that.
We don’t want this to brown, that’s where our water and lemon is going to come in handy.
As soon as we chop it, put it in there.
So let’s open up our rolls here.
There we go.
Okay, so we’re going to use the whole tube.
I will tell you that this recipe was originally done in coffeecake and that’s how I always made it.
And then one day my son found out about monkey bread and he asked me to make some, and I thought well let’s just take what we do for the coffeecake and we’ll make monkey bread out of it.
And I’m just quartering each one of these up.
To this, I want to add my brown sugar, sugar cinnamon mix.
I think I forgot to tell you, but there is about 1/2 a teaspoon of cinnamon in that also.
And we want to get that in there.
And now, what I want to do is coat everything with the brown sugar cinnamon mixture.
Now, we need to drain our apples and we’re going to add that to this mixture.
That have been drained.
We’re going to give that a good mix.
Now, let’s take our loaf pan.
Add our pecans to the bottom and just spread those out, kind of as even as you can.
And we want to add our dough and apples.
And just put a little bit in it first and then press those into place.
I’m going to get a lot of odd shapes and what we’re looking for is to get everything compressed in there.
Now, I want to take our caramel sauce and our vanilla, looks like alcohol might evaporate it out of there and give that a good mix.
And pour this yummy goodness right over the top of that.
Have a caramel sweet tooth and use more.
What I like to do is just cut the paper.
Now, you have two options at this point, you could let this sit and rise a little bit or just put it in your preheated grill dome or grill or oven at this point, which is exactly what I’m going to do.
So, with our grill dome at about 350 and holding fast, I want to place my caramel apple cinnamon monkey bread in there, close this bad boy up and we’re going to cook it for about 30 minutes.
Well, our monkey bread is finished.
The grill dome has been cooking at a steady 365 for almost 40 minutes until I’m pretty comfortable that it’s ready.
Look at that.
So that is the thing of beauty, it smells incredible, but we’re not done yet.
So now, we want to place it on a cooling rack to cool down for a little while.
So, our monkey bread has rested for about 15 minutes.
And now what I want to do is I want to flip it over.
Now, we want to lift our top off and hope it doesn’t all just fall apart.
Oh boy.
Look at that.
Okay, everybody, I think we nail this.
Now, I use the grill dome, which you saw through the whole show, but what I was really impressed with as in my first bake this maintain a steady, even consistent temperature through the 40 odd minutes that I cook this at.
It never wavered a second, so, really solid performance.
If you want more information about the grill dome, you can go visit them at and, you know, go check out their stuff.
They got a lot of great colors on this.
It’s a really solid product.
I’ve been so impressed with it so far, lots more to come.
Before I go and before we try this, I want to give a shout out to my sponsors, Camp Chef and Outdoor Cooking and
Without them, as you now, as I always tell you, this show would not be possible.
So do me a favor, go visit them.
Go check out their stuff.
Go tell them Gary sent you.
Go buy something.
You’d be really happy you did.
Let’s get the birthday boy in, Jarren?
Well, birthday boy, is this what you wanted?
Alright, so tell everybody how old you are.
Apple cinnamon caramel monkey bread for the birthday boy, just grab a chunk of this and try it out.
Is that good?
Look at that.
Alright, that’s it.
We’re out of here.
Thanks, everybody.
when did you add the melted butter?
James, coat the biscuits with the melted butter before adding the cinnamon mixture.
Yummy, I plan on making this in a 10 inch foil lined dutch oven.
Should be delicious! The 10″ Dutch oven is a perfect size.